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Nominations, Elections and Vacancies
- Member representatives shall nominate candidates for Directors with an intent to seek nominees from across Canada;
- The Chair will announce to all members of CEUG the intent to seek nominations;
- Nominations may be submitted to any Director; and
- No name shall be placed before the members for voting without the consent of the nominee.
Board Elections
- Board elections shall be conducted at the annual CEUG Business Meeting;
- All Directors will be elected by a simple majority vote during the Annual Business Meeting at the annual CEUG conference;
- The ballots will be counted by the Secretary and verified by the Treasurer;
- The Chair will announce the results; and
- All newly elected Directors will assume their roles after announcement of the results.
- In the event of resignation or other inability to serve of any Directors, the Board shall name an interim Director who shall serve for the balance of the current year.