- Foster and improve relationships and lines of communication among and between CEUG members and with Ellucian as the software provider;
- Facilitate an Annual Conferences with a Conference Organizing Committee providing operational leadership and coordinating user group meetings;
- Provide support, education and information to the CEUG members utilizing the CEUG.CA website as a key communication tool; and
- Advocating for the needs and uses of the Canadian Ellucian software and any integrated systems, for the improvement of the system(s) and for the benefit of the CEUG members.
- Qualifications
Member Institutions: Membership in the CEUG is open to all Canadian post-secondary institutions (colleges, universities and institutes) which are presently using the Ellucian system;
Voting Member: A member is an employee of a member institution with each member institution having one designated member with voting rights;
Director: A member who is elected or appointed as director of the Organization (six Directors with representation from each of the Ellucian software groups (Banner, Colleague and PowerCampus) as well as geographic representation from across Canada.
Ellucian Ex-Officio Member: A member named by Ellucian who may attend, at the will of the Board, CEUG Board meetings and CEUG Organizing Committee meetings.
- Rights and Privileges
Elected Directors conduct CEUG business and report out at the Annual Business Meeting;
Member institutions who attend the annual CEUG conference or Annual Business Meeting are members and may nominate and elect Directors, hold office, and serve on committees;
All member representatives are encouraged to send any concerns or comments to any CEUG Director; and
The Ellucian Ex-Officio Board member is a non-voting member acting as a liaison between Ellucian and the Board of Directors.
- Annual Dues
There are no annual dues but each member institution is expected to participate in the planning and execution of, or participation in, annual conferences and the CEUG online community.